What are some open-source libraries every iOS developer should know?

AFNetworking - The defacto networking library for iOS. If you're using an API, uploading photos, whatever, this is what you use.

SVProgressHUD - An open-source implementation of the modal "loading circle" Apple uses in some of their apps.

ShareKit - A drop-in menu which lets users share content to a plethora of sources (SMS, email, Twitter, Facebook, pretty much everything)

TTTAttributedLabel - Sometimes you need to display text with some style. This is a drop-in UILabel replacement that lets you change the appearance of your string on a granular level.

nimbus - Nimbus is a mega-framework with just lots of well documented goodies that could be useful for your project. I'm kind of tepid about listing this because it is such a big project and each piece deserves its own mention, but you should take a look anyway.

SSPullToRefresh - A pull-to-refresh library, easy to integrate.

SDWebImage - Asynchronous image downloader with cache support.

PLCrashReporter - In-process crash reporter framework.

SSKeychain - A simple wrapper for OS X and iOS keychain functionality.

FormatterKit - Provides string formatter for dates, distances, different units and more.

CargoBay - In-app purchases made easier.

JSONKit - parsing JSON faster than NSJSONSerialization of iOS 5.


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